Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Love your new smile? Tell the world ALL ABOUT IT!

At the office of Dr. Paula Baby and Dr. Jaime Rojas we understand that deciding to undertake orthodontic treatment is an important decision and investment, and choosing the right specialist is a crucial part of that decision.

Whether you've visited our office for a week, months or even years, we'd love to hear your feedback about how our office has fared during your orthodontic treatment! There are lots of ways you can share your thoughts about our practice, but we encourage you to head to our Google Places page and write a review there.

After all, reviews help Drs. Baby & Rojas create more beautiful smiles in London, Wingham, Goderich and surrounding communities. Thanks in advance, and we hope you have a great week!

You may write your review here.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where will your braces go this summer?

With summer almost here, we thought it would be a great idea for you to share your summer photos with us by letting us know where your braces went this summer.

Camping, canoeing, back yard BBQ, Canada’s Wonderland, or boating it doesn’t matter, we want to see those smiling faces!

You can post those pictures on our Facebook FanPage or email us at and we will post them on your behalf.

Friday, June 10, 2011

5 habits that lead to teeth plaque, from Drs. Baby and Rojas

Nobody likes getting plaque on their teeth. Here are five other ways you can avoid that dreaded enemy of the teeth, courtesy of our friends at WebMD.

Let’s start with not brushing regularly. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste is vital to a healthy mouth. Make sure you softly brush all the surfaces of your teeth.

Next on the list is not flossing daily: a simple daily flossing between teeth clears away plaque before it can cause damage and can also clean plaque at the gum line. Plaque is known to reach the spaces between teeth.

Also, evading your dentist is probably not a great idea. Let’s say you brush and floss daily. You’re still at risk for plaque. With time, the plaque hardens and turns into tartar. Consider visiting your dentist at least twice a year, and you have a lower chance of getting cavities or losing your teeth.

You’ll also want to stop avoiding those fruits and veggies. Believe it or not, there are foods out there that play a key role in keeping plaque off our teeth. They include apples, carrots, cucumbers and other raw fruits and vegetables. You can still eat these types of fruits and veggies if you have braces, but be sure to cut them up into bite sized pieces to avoid breaking off brackets.

Finally, before you pick that candy up, think about giving in to your sweet tooth. Consuming sugary drinks or eating candy or other junk food allows sugar to stick to our teeth. The bacteria, then, becomes plaque, which turns into acid and damages our teeth. Avoiding these five bad habits keeps your plaque in check and your mouth as healthy as can be. If you have any questions, visit our web page on oral hygiene, or contact our office at 1-800-920-9798.

Hope this helps,
Drs. Baby & Rojas

Friday, June 3, 2011

What’s on your reading list this summer?

With summer almost upon us, some of us at Drs. Baby & Rojas' office ave been thinking more and more about the importance of reading. Sure it’s easy to keep putting off reading, but reading during the summer is a vital step in brain development—and it's fun!

What's on YOUR summer reading list? What are some of your all-time favorites? Out of ideas for great summer reads? Ask us for suggestions, and our staff would be happy to provide a few suggestions. You can also ask a local librarian or check out this list of 19 books to read this summer!

Happy reading! Be sure to share with us your summer picks or your all-time favorites on our Facebook page!