Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thanks to Invisalign®, mom and dad can have a perfect smile, too! From Drs. Baby & Rojas

Hey parents! You’ve taken your kids to our office to straighten their smiles, but what about yours? If you've been wanting to improve your smile , our team can help! We are specially trained to offer an adult-friendly option for straightening teeth called Invisalign.

This course of treatment consists of a set of clear aligners that are molded to fit your teeth using a proprietary technology. You wear them all day and night, except for meals, brushing, and flossing – when you can easily slip them out to make eating and cleaning a snap!

Because they're clear, your teeth will be steadily straightening – and no one will know it but you!

Please give us a call to set up a consultation, so that we can discuss the specifics of your treatment, and determine if Invisalign will work for you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oral Health and Overall Health, from Drs. Baby & Rojas

Our team knows that while in orthodontic treatment, it is important to maintain proper oral health. According to a recent study by the British Columbia Dental Hygienists' Association, periodontal disease is linked to not only your oral health, but also the health of other body functions.

It is commonly known that proper oral health is important for many everyday functions, such as eating, talking, and kissing. New correlations have now been found linking poor oral health and cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, respiratory problems, and other systemic diseases. "Patients who have had previous infections of the heart valve may need antibiotics before having dental work done," says Cardiologist Dr. Nisha D'Mello of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

Have you been brushing, flossing, and visiting us for your regularly scheduled appointments? If not, give us a call! Also, be sure to visit your general dentist every six months for an oral exam to check the health of your mouth, teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue.

Have a great week!

-Drs. Baby & Rojas

Friday, July 16, 2010

Am I too old for braces?

Recently, our staff at Drs. Baby & Rojas orthodontic office read a fascinating statistic: the number of adults getting braces has actually climbed 24 percent since 1996! Yes, braces help make your pearly whites strong, healthy and perfectly-aligned, but perhaps another reason for the spike in adult braces is this: people want to look and feel great. In an age—and society—where looks matter as much as anything, and at a time when evenly-aligned and sparkling teeth might be the difference between getting a job or a promotion, adults are choosing—wisely, we might add—to invest in orthodontics. Orthodontic treatment with us can be successful at any age, and adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile.

If you’ve been thinking about getting that perfect smile, we would love to have you visit for a consultation in our London, Wingham, or new Goderich office. Please give us a call to set one up!

Friday, July 9, 2010

What’s on your summer reading list?

With summer in full swing, some of us at Drs. Baby & Rojas office ave been thinking more and more about the importance of reading. Sure it’s easy to keep putting off reading, but reading during the summer is a vital step in brain development—and it's fun!

What's on YOUR summer reading list? What are some of your all-time favorites? Out of ideas for great summer reads? Ask us for suggestions, and our staff would be happy to provide a few suggestions. You can also ask a local librarian!

Happy reading! Be sure to share with us your summer picks or your all-time favorites on our Facebook page!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Invisalign® tips, from Drs. Baby & Rojas

Many people know that Invisalign is a great solution to braces if you don't want to experience the look and feel of traditional metal braces. What few people know, though, is that just like traditional braces, Invisalign requires proper care to work effectively. Good oral hygiene is highly important, even when you are wearing something in your mouth that you can take out to eat with. It's still likely that your aligners can build up plaque if not treated properly. When wearing your Invisalign aligners, we want you to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Am I eating with my aligners on? - These aligners are removable and should be taken out when you eat.

2. Am I drinking anything other than water with my aligners on? - Though it's not necessary for you to take out your aligners while you drink, think about how sticky soda is. If you take out your aligners when drinking a soda, you have a better chance of keeping your aligners clean.

3. Am I brushing before putting the trays on? - The aligners have both an inside and outside. Keeping the outside clean is easy. Keeping the inside clean is also simple: just make sure you've brushed your teeth before putting the trays on.

These are all very simple steps, and ultimately, they help to keep you building good oral habits. If you have any questions about Invisalign or your treatment, give us a call!

Happy Canada Day!