Friday, May 29, 2009

Dr. Rojas Got Invisalign!

Dr. Rojas got Invisalign. Here are a few pictures to show the process of placing attachments and Dr. Rojas with his first Invisalign tray. You can view the complete photo album on our facebook and myspage pages! Some patient's Invisalign treatment will require the use of "attachments." Attachments are small tooth-colored dots of dental bonding material that are bonded to selected surfaces of certain teeth. The idea is that the placement of the attachments provides an anchor point on teeth around which an Invisalign aligner can firmly grasp. This allows the aligner to direct its forces to the tooth more effectively than it would otherwise be able to do.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

London Braces Mother's Day Contest Contest Winners

We at Dr. Paula Baby and Dr. Jaime Rojas' office want to congratulate the winners of our Mother's Day Contest.
Amanda and Lauren Highley won a basket from Bath and Body works.

They gave it to their mom on Mother's Day, and she was so thrilled! We are very excited for them!

Thank you to everyone who submitted a ballot. Our Father's Day Contest details will be posted soon.

--Dr. Paula Baby and at Dr. Jaime Rojas

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Check Out This Great Orthodontic Work by Dr. Baby and Dr. Rojas

At Dr. Paula Baby and Dr. Jaime Rojas's office, we offer superior orthodontic work to all of our patients.

So much so that our hygienist, Kim, wanted to get her own set of braces! Check out our Facebook page for the complete photo shoot.

Congratulations Kim!